IT Support

SGD 60,000 - 80,000
Job description

per hour per day per month after completion

Part-timers & Freelancers are welcomed to apply this Full time position Salary :SGD $1,700 - $2,300

Part-timers & Freelancers are welcomed to apply this Full time position Salary :SGD $1,700 - $2,300

Vacancies islandwide (Singapore)

Good company benefits


Perform troubleshooting for client platform related problems

Respond promptly to incident, investigate & provide temporary &/or permanent resolution of incidents escalated. Provide timely status updates to relevant parties.

Provide advice and assistance to users on the usage of simple functional features of software and hardware peripherals.

Required to perform basic administrative support, asset management and routine IT housekeeping services.

Perform service request related to client platforms.

Monitor the agreed service level, document & maintain the configuration of the systems; provide regular reporting to relevant parties.

Involve in client platform implementation/upgrade project.

Job Requirement ITE/ Diploma in IT/ Engineering or any related field

Minimum 1 year relevant experience in providing desktop support

Proficient in Microsoft Windows / Windows XP / Microsoft Office

Experience in providing desktop support to senior management

Please DO NOT provide your credit card details when applying for jobs. Applicants are advised not to pay any upfront payments, investments or any registration fee for the purpose of applying jobs.

This job ad was updated on 23/04/2024 at . does not charge any fee or take any commission for finding and applying jobs.
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