The New 5 Years Bali Digital Nomad Visa – And Other Options To Work Remotely In Bali

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Provinsi Bali
IDR 200,000,000 - 300,000,000
Job description

Bali, Indonesia, is a popular island for vacations. It has a rich historic culture, well known for its amazing temples and palaces set amid breathtaking natural scenery. In Bali , there are infinite options for delicious native cuisine.

The pleasant weather, stunning beaches, rich history, strong spiritual identity, and traditional values all combine to make Bali the ultimate tropical paradise for location-independent enterprises.

Another attractive feature of Bali is its inexpensive cost of living. It's understandable that digital nomads would want to dwell in paradise without spending a fortune!

What Is An Indonesian Or A Balinese Digital Nomad Visa?

If you're unfamiliar with the concept of working remotely while on the road, you might be asking what a digital nomad visa is. Remote workers might apply for a digital nomad visa to claim temporary residency in another country. The applicant must work for a firm, client, or own a business outside of the nation where the digital nomad visa is sought.

It's vital to know that a digital nomad visa does not grant the holder the right to look for work in that nation. These digital nomad visas are ideal for those who want to settle down for a year or two and get to know a location while working remotely. Furthermore, staying lawfully in %%Bali as a tourist%% is not that difficult.

Who Is It For?

The visa, if approved, is issued for those working remotely. A digital nomad is someone who works from home, either full-time or part-time, while exploring new places. Digital nomads frequently work from public libraries, coffee shops, or anywhere else they can connect their computers, smartphones, or tablets to Wi-Fi hubs or utilize their personal hotspots.

You have complete control over your work schedule and are not bound by the traditional 9-to-5 routine.

The New 5-Year Tax-Free Digital Nomad Visa

Since early 2021, the ministry has considered creating a special visa for remote employees and business-leisure travelers, but the proposal has been thwarted by coronavirus outbreaks, tight border controls, and a scarcity of planes.

If the visa holder DOES NOT generate their money in Indonesia, they will be able to stay for up to five (5) years WITHOUT PAYING TAXES.

Tourists can currently apply for a 60-day tourist visa or a six-month temporary work permit.

Anyone who spends more than 183 days in Indonesia in a calendar year, however, automatically becomes a LOCAL TAX RESIDENT, subjecting their FOREIGN EARNINGS TO INDONESIAN TAX RATES.

How Do I Get A Digital Nomad Visa? What Are The Requirements?

More information regarding the standards you must meet to be eligible for this visa is currently pending. So far, here's what we know:

  • As with most digital nomad visas, there may be an INCOME REQUIREMENT, but we're still waiting for additional details.

The prerequisites for visas upon entering Bali differ depending on your country of origin.

Remote employees from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and the European Union can visit such countries even without a visa for a month. More than 160 nationalities are granted free entrance to Bali.

  • If you're staying for fewer than 30 days,
  • between 30 and 60 days.
  • more than 60 days.


If your nation isn't on the list, you have to acquire a tourist visa from any Indonesian embassy outside of the country.

A sponsorship letter will be requested from you to confirm:

  • the reason for your visit.
  • Make sure you have enough money to support yourself.
  • that you will not engage in illegal labor.
  • that you pledge to follow Indonesian laws.
  • That you intend to depart the country after your visa expires.

To stay longer, you can conduct a visa run, which means leaving Indonesia and returning the next day.

Get a new visa on arrival at the airport and a free entry stamp at the counter if you plan to stay less than a month.

It's easier to acquire a visa extension through an agency. It allows you to stay in the country for another 30 days without needing to leave.

C) IF YOU PLAN TO STAY LONGER, or apply for employment and stay permits, you will need to take care of your taxes in Bali.

This classifies digital nomads as Indonesian tax residents. As a result, you must record your worldwide earnings and pay Indonesian taxes.

Because Indonesia uses a self-reporting system, you will be responsible for filing your taxes.


So, if you are planning to work while traveling in the wonderful place of bali, indonesia, we can say that you are one step closer to realizing your dream!

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you try working remotely in Bali? If in your dreams you are sunbathing on the ocean or conquering the ocean waves, then it is worth a try. Also, an unobvious advantage is the ability to communicate with people from all over the world and live surrounded by a wide variety of nationalities - it is very valuable.

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