Ph.D. Position in Impact Investing

IÉSEG School of Management
EUR 40 000 - 60 000
Description du poste

Lille Economics and Management (LEM UMR CNRS 9221) and IÉSEG School of Management invite applications for a fully funded Ph.D. Position in Impact Investing at its Lille Campus. 


Facing contemporary social and environmental issues, directing financial flows towards the most virtuous investments has become crucial. Directing funds toward greener or more socially responsible projects requires the existence of indicators to evaluate the social and environmental impact of companies. This is the ambition pursued by rating agencies producing ESG indicators. However, the finance literature highlights a certain confusion in the ESG indicators provided by major data providers. The purpose of the PhD project is to propose alternative sources of information to evaluate the social and environmental impact of corporations, and to evaluate the extent to which this type of information is already integrated by financial markets.

The selected candidate will be working under the supervision of Dr. Marion DUPIRE and Dr. Paolo MAZZA. The Ph.D. candidate will be part of the IÉSEG finance department (link ).

  • IÉSEG is ACCCSB, EQUIS and AMBA accredited and is a member of the “Conférence des Grandes Écoles”.
  • IÉSEG is member of a CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) research lab: LEM.
  • IÉSEG’s faculty is very diverse with 45 different nationalities represented. 


  • LEM is a research unit, that comprises the CNRS, associating the University of Lille and IÉSEG School of Management
  • LEM comprises about 200 researchers and 100 doctoral students in economics and management.
  • LEM is a young, internationally oriented and dynamic laboratory with a strong scientific ambition. 


  • Have a MSc. (or be close to completion) in a relevant field, such as business analytics, computer science, information systems, (business-)engineering or related. 
  • Strong analytical skills and commitment to research excellence.
  • Programming experience in Stata, R or Python.
  • Interest in sustainability. 
  • Excellent command of written English. 
  • Ability to work effectively in teams.
  • Willingness to travel. 
  • Knowledge in textual analysis is a plus.


The selected applicant is expected to begin his/her assignment in Fall of 2024. The exact starting date will be determined in accordance with the applicant. Gross salary will be competitive with other European research and academic institutions. The Ph.D. student will be based in Lille (on the site of IÉSEG School of Management). The selected candidate will have to enroll in a Ph.D programme at the University of Lille. The Ph.D. student will get all the means and support to engage in innovative, business-relevant research projects with high potential to get published in international peer reviewed journals.


Interested applicants must submit their application (consisting of a CV, motivation letter and statement of academic performance) through the recruitment platform, here. For any further question, please contact us by email to ,


We will begin considering candidates immediately. The deadline to apply is June, 1st, 2024. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their application file as soon as possible. 

2024-06-01 23:59 (Europe/Paris)
2024-06-01 23:59 (CET)

As a French Grande École and member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles, IÉSEG is amongst the most prestigious higher education institutions in th...

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